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Caring for Your Catering Equipment
21 Jun

In the busy hustle and bustle of work and life, you tend to rush through all of your tasks in order to get everything done. It goes without saying that the kitchen is one area where a lot happens. Cooking, baking, frying, and cleaning takes place in the kitchen. With all of this going on you may neglect certain catering equipment. Take the time to care for your catering equipment so that it can last longer.

After every use, you should thoroughly clean any catering equipment that you have used. All the utensils and crockery is generally washed all the time. However, I'm also referring to the pots, pans and the stove that were used during the cooking process. For pots and pans, once it has cooled down, pour water into it to soften any food particles. After about an hour run a sink of water and add dishwashing liquid. Place the pots and pans in the water for a few minutes then wash the inside with a sponge. Avoid scratching it as it could leave unsightly marks on the pots. If the dirt is stubborn, add a few drops of cream cleaner on the sponge then rub the stubborn area until the dirt is removed. Rinse the soap bubbles off and let it dry.

Remember to clean the stove too because food particles can harden and stick to the surface if you don't clean it after every use. If there's not much tough food particles on the stove then you can simply wipe it with a damp cloth. For tougher dirt you may need to use cream cleaner with a lemon base applied to a sponge. Rub the sponge firmly yet gently to remove the food particles while keeping the stove scratch free.

If you use a blender or a food processor, remove the jug and wash it in water which has a few drops of dishwashing liquid added. Also wipe the blender base with a damp cloth to remove any splashes of food or juice. Make sure you wipe around the dials too.

If you take care of your catering equipment after every use, it will not only last longer but it will look new for a longer time. However, if the catering equipment has reached the end of its lifespan you can keep an eye out for a catering equipment sale so that you can still get a bargain on a new unit.

CaterWeb stocks a full range of commercial kitchen products and we even offer free demonstrations as well as hands on training if necessary. Visit our website to access our online store or alternatively we welcome you to visit our new showroom.

Please call us on 011-334-4227 or e-mail your inquiry to so we may assist with your catering equipment requirements!